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J. Spindler, D.D.S. is an approved C.E. Sponsor by The Louisiana Academy of
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1. What is the magnification of The Perioscope?
a. 1-2X
b. 16-24X
c. 24-48X
d. 48-64X
e. none of the above
2. Why is an irrigation system necessary when viewing in the subgingival environment?
a. The irrigation system is used to deliver antimicrobial agents
b. The system helps achieve better pocket depth reduction
c. It washes away hemorrhage to improve viewing
d. a and c above
e. all of the above
3. What integral components are housed in the main unit?
a. the LCD screen and the signal processor
b. the irrigation system
c. the light source
d. a and b above
e. a, b and c above
4. What conditions can The Perioscope assist with diagnosis?
a. root fractures, root anomalies, and subgingival crown margins
b. xerostomia, tongue thrust, TMJ
c. subgingival caries and ailing/failing implants
d. a and c above
e. all of the above
5. What is the best scenario from the case descriptions below for selecting The Perioscope as a viable treatment option?
a. A 26 year female with aggressive periodontitis, who demonstrated
greater than 50% bone loss, Class 3 maxillary molar furcations and a deep
vertical bony defect on the lower left canine
b. A 52 year male with generalized severe dilantin hyperplasia and heavy deposits of
local factors
c. A 68 year female with a cardiac history who recently had root planing and
has previously lost all of her molars. She demonstrates relatively flat
bone architecture, but has some refractory 7 mm pockets
d. A 27 year male patient with 4 mm gingival clefts and no attached gingiva
bilaterally in the mandibular bicuspid area. The patient also has impacted
mandibular third molars and there is some periodontitis present on the left
e. a and d above
The subject name of the test you are submitting is. Enter "Dental
Enter the name of your dental office and the zip code of your office
Course Evaluation
Instructions: Using the following scale, click the number that
best corresponds to your response for each item.
1-Below Average
3-Above Average
1. The course has contributed to my knowledge of this subject
2. The author was knowledgeable in this subject matter
3. The information presented could be directly applied to my professional activities