Have you ever had
a difficulty with your breath? If you have, you are not alone. In fact you are among
millions of fellow Americans who have been afflicted with "Halitosis". There are many potential causes for halitosis. These range from metabolic
problems, to dietary consumption, to the most common cause which is the production of
"volatile suphur compounds (VSC's) by oral bacteria.
All across the country, breath centers are being started by health
care professionals hoping to cash in on this new trend. This is in part triggered by
research in the 1980's which demonstrated that VSC's can be chemically neutralized and
removed from the mouth. Patients are being charged from several hundred to a few thousand
dollars for "treatments". It has been my experience that patients who know they
have a problem with halitosis are willing to pay just about anything to be rid of this
embarrassing problem. Let's review some facts and you will soon see that oral sources are
often simple and inexpensive to eliminate with steps you can do at home!
Breath disorders are a very common problem. Approximately 90 per
cent of all adults will complain at one time or another about a breath problem. These
complaints can have more than just social consequences. Fortunately, almost all cases can
be significantly improved or eliminated entirely!
Halitosis, as it is called, is the emission of unpleasant aromatic
compounds from the breath. The cause must be accurately determined for an improvement to
be realized.
The first determination of cause must result from classifying the
source as oral or non-oral. Non-oral causes can involve multiple medical conditions for
which a physician should be consulted. Diabetes, liver failure, respiratory, sinus or
tonsilar infections, and gastric reflux are some examples. The most common non-oral cause
for halitosis are odors that enter the breath through the lungs. The best example of this
comes from the foods that are ingested. The by-products from these foods are absorbed,
carried through the blood and excreted partially through the lungs. This is why patients
complain of garlic or onion breath long after consumption and even after several brushings
and rinsings. Additionally, persons on unusual diets may experience breath problems
Oral sources usually occur as a result of the production of
"volatile sulphur compounds" or "VSC'S." They are mostly composed of
three compounds: hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulfide. VSC'S are
molecules which are the result of bacterial activities. They are markedly offensive and
easily distinguished. VSC's have been measured as being 8 to 10 times greater in patients