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Nutritional Information for Periodontal Success


In an effort to help you achieve optimal health, we a providing some nutritional guidance for you. Unfortunately, most people do not take time to understand that optimal nutrition can boost your resistance to disease. Periodontal disease is no exception. When we are afflicted with periodontal disease our body is waging war against this infection. We need to do all that we can to help it win.

Additionally, optimal nutrition can help you to heal faster following periodontal treatment. If you take these suggestions seriously, you can improve not only your periodontal health, but your general health as well. Here are some well researched basics that we would like to share with you.

Unless you have a metabolic disorder or other specific nutrition related health problem, you can enjoy virtually any food. That is, as long as you practice moderation, and varietywith your food choices. Moderation means eating neither too much nor too little of any one food or nutrient. Eating too much translates into excessive caloric intake and excessive nutrient intake. Eating too little leads to inadequate body mass and nutrient deficiencies. Variety refers to consuming a wide variety of foods within each of the five basic food categories. One should eat different types of grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and meats at different meals .

The USDA has created the "Food Guide Pyramid" as a guide for good daily food choices. The smallest number of servings is the recommendation for a person with an energyneed of 1600 Kcalories , while the larger figure should be used by a person who needs 2800 Kcalories or more.

Try taking the self assessment  and see where you stand. Many patients are very surprised when they do this. 

Here are some examples of what a serving is:

Grains---1 slice of bread, 1/2cup of cereal, cooked rice, or pasta.   Vegetables---1cup raw leafy, 1/2cup raw or cooked vegetable.  Fruits---6oz juice, 1/2cup fresh, frozen , or canned fruit.  Dairy---8oz milk, 1cup yogurt , 1.5oz cheese.  Meats---30oz meat , 1 egg, 1/2cup cooked beans

What about nutritional supplements?

Vitamins and minerals are found in a "balanced" state in foods. In foods they are in both oxidized and reduced forms and are also balanced by the other chemicals withinthe food. In supplements, only parts of foods are found which tend to be "unbalanced".Clearly, the best source of vitamins and minerals is food . There is much debate whether vitamin and mineral supplementation is beneficial for people who consume balanced and varied foods. Today, there is insufficient scientific data concerning this.

Supplements may be beneficial for some of us. Certainly we all have heard reports of improved healing and resistance to disease and to cancer when supplements are taken, but the amounts and mechanisms are just now under intense research. These are the recommended dietary allowances established by the National

Academy of Science:

You should compare any supplement you are considering with this table. Frankly, there are so many vitamin products available and unfortunately, not all of them are adequate. The amounts set forth in the Table above are recommended dietary allowances. Many of us take greater amounts than those listed above. For example, Vitamin C is usually taken in doses of 250 to 1000 mg. Vitamin E is commonly taken from 100 to 400 mg.

Finally, much research has been done on which vitamins and nutrients are essential for optimal oral health. When selecting a supplement, be sure to find one that has proper RDI’s of the nutrients listed in the table below.

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